
Life has a funny way of settling into a routine. You see them every where, in your life and in others. I find that the harder I try to set a routine, the harder it is for me to stick with it. I’ve tried. Workout schedules, to face cleaning schedules. They all fall apart on me.

But when I think about myself at work, I’m all about routine. I have my morning routine, I have my day to day routine… And I didn’t have to think about it once. So maybe that’s where I’ve been going wrong all these years. I have to look at it more like a job, less like a hassle.

I have to start making the extra effort. Getting up on time. Not sleeping in. Going to bed at a decent hour [before 12..].  Doing some aspect of yoga every day. Washing my face morning and night. Putting make up on every day. These things shouldn’t be that difficult to do, but I have a seriously hard time when it comes to getting up and doing. In the morning, a few zz’s is always more appealing than getting up to do makeup. Even though, I look so much better when I do put it on. Definitely more professional.

They say it takes 21 days to make a routine and have it stick. Of course it takes just one day to break it… Starting tomorrow? I’m going to do this. I have to do this. Otherwise I’m going to be old and ugly.

On a work sidenote, it’s frustrating working sometimes. It’s frustrating when something slips off your plate, and people are wondering why you’re such a fuck-up, when there is another person within the company who gets the emails as well, who is equally to blame. Yes, I might not have sent out the email saying they were off the online site, but considering I have said before that I immediately download, people should know that they’re in the network. And they should be able to email me and tell me they want them printed off. Not wait three weeks to let me know that no one heard from me. And then be all in a panic and blame me. Frusterating, indeed. Rant over.

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