School :: Introduction to E-Commerce

My insane schedule!

Joyously, another class that’s going for the full three hours. I really shouldn’t be so “ugh” about this, as I do want to be there, but it just makes my days SOO much longer. Last night I had my first class of E-Commerce, which I think I’ll really enjoy, and I’m excited that I’m taking it with Marketing. I think that they are pretty close subject-wise.

It’s funny how I have people I met in Communications now in all 3 of my classes. Funny how that happens eh? But it’s rather nice to know someone in every one of my classes.

E-Commerce is interesting. The teacher talks, and talks, and there are discussions, and it’s in a computer lab. He’s pretty interesting, and I enjoy the people so far in my class. There’s no one ridiculously annoying with any annoying traits. So far. I’m looking forward to what I can learn in this class, and how it relates to what I’m doing now.

Although it totally makes me want to run and change everything on my Facebook profile. Oh those sly Information Systems…
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