Recap :: Weekend No.38

Good morning!

Super uninspired by last week, but hopefully this week I’ll get back into it. This weekend I didn’t feel any of the pressure of schoolm, but now that it’s Monday again here I am stressing about the amount work that needs to be done.

Oh weekends, how you play on my procrastination gene. Friday night I went out with Andrew’s buddies, the first time I’ve gone out with them without Andrew being there. And it was a lot of fun with them. It was great seeing people that I hadn’t in awhile, and we all had a great time chatting and pre-drinking at Lisa’s apartment. We then traipsed down the street to the bar, and then grabbed a drink and hit the dance floor. About halfway through the night, the week and the night was catching up to me. I was tired, and bored of the music. They were playing all rap, and usually I like rap, but it’s hard to dance too. And it was slow. And nothing new. They were playing old stuff. 2005 and back? Sigh, needless to say I wasn’t drinking enough for that. Andrew called me and that got me thinking about how much I miss him and the night just kinda went down from there. Not that it was abysmal, by any means. We ended up walking around and getting some food, eating in pizza pizza and then the lady behind the counter was a complete bitch to us. Which induced some random chick to be a bitch. That was interesting. Are we even talking to you? No, so gtfo. Hah. We ended up leaving since she was closing, but just wasn’t being polite about it. I managed to grab all my stuff from Lisa’s and then we headed home. We took the TTC and then a cab to Dennis’ house. Fusco dropped me off at my car, and then I drove home and went straight to bed. 4 am, I’m so not used to those any more. Like a bad blogger though, I took zero pictures…

The only reason I woke up when I did, was because Andrew called me. I answered the phone and we talked about our nights, how he was driving super hungover, and that he had had black out periods. Nothing new there. Whenever he drinks in the East Coast, he usually gets obliterated and can’t remember half his night. My first text from him was, Morning babe, hope I didn’t piss you off last night. If I did then I’m paying for it now. Poor guy. He always calls me when he’s drunk and it’s usually him saying he misses me. Nothing usually enough to piss me off. I woke up though with a slight hangover though, I’m not one to get them, but I guess I drank enough that it hit me. So that meant that I was lazy enough to just lounge on the sofa all day, reading and watching movies on tv that I already own. I don’t know why I do that. No going out for me that night.

Sunday was another lazy day, although I did get my ass off the sofa long enough to go to the mall and meet up with another girl. We had coffee, did some shopping (yay girl shopping) and then had some dinner. We spent some money, I got a little bit of a haul (!!) and then we parted ways. I’m going to really try to see her next week, and get my ass to her yoga class. Maybe even see if some of the other girls are interested in a day trip to the States? 🙂 I needs me some more cheap shirts for work. Hello, Forever 21, I’m looking at you. I’m definitely going to have to look at my budget before hand… maybe not this weekend coming. It’s bill payment time of the month.

Looking to today, it’s all work, work out, and school. I’m still counting down the days until Andrew comes home, but it’s tough when he’s not even 100% sure when he’s coming home! Hopefully this week I’m going to get my hair done, it’s beyond due!

I hope everyone had a great weekend, and that Monday isn’t kicking you too much in the bum.
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