
Movie :: Rock of Ages

Via Google Images/Wikipedia

Ermahgad! Watching this totally made me wish that I had gone to see it while it was on stage in Toronto.

Won’t lie though, Tom Cruise was a little awkward to watch in that role. I personally don’t see him as a sex symbol, so him walking around shirtless and in that role was a litte unconvincing for me. He was good, but meh. Malin Ackerman is awesome, and I will say that their duet was awesome. Another Russell Brand movie for me, and he’s awesome in his side role. Catherine Zeta-Jones is always amazing in musicals [and everything else she does].

I’m a diehard fan of musicals, and this one did not disappoint. Even if I didn’t really know all the songs [old school rock not my best genre], it was catchy and I feel like it fit the generation that was happening at the time. The switch from rock to 90’s pop boybands. As I was just a young’n back in those days, I was definitely more into the pop boybands than rock. I can appreciate rock a little better now that I’m older.

If this does ever come around again on stage, I’ll jump at the chance to see it. But for right now, this movie just hits the spot. 
4/5 stars!
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