Friday :: Party Party Party!

YAY. I’m so glad that part of my assignment is done. But I can’t even relax because I have so many other assignments due… It’s not even funny. But on the plus side, I did extremely well on my test. So much better than I originally anticipated, especially since I didn’t study.

I feel like this weekend is going to be extremely busy and will go by way to quickly. Between partying tonight, and homework the rest of the weekend, it’s just going to zoom by. Sadly the boys are going out to play mini-putt tomorrow but they’re going all day and I just can’t take that amount of time off from homework. As much as I would like too, I procrastinate enough already. I realize that I’ve been saying crunch time for probably a month now, but now it really is! Between essays, studying for exams, case studies, and group presentations…. It’s getting serious now!

But, enough about school. Tonight is the big deal! It’s Andrew’s friend, Lisa’s birthday celebration tonight, and I’m pumped!! I don’t know if I’m going to drink [maybe], but I’m super excited to go out and dance the night away at the Drake. I don’t even know if there’s anything being featured there tonight. But it really doesn’t matter, I’m getting out of the house and going downtown. I’m getting out of the house. Yes, this is an emphasis, because I don’t get out much any more, with the combination of school and being broke. So happy days!

Happy Friday everyone, and Happy International Women’s Day!
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