
Friday :: Growing Up

Totally relaxed.

I’m so looking forward to this weekend. The first weekend after the time jump. Even though I loved the fact that I could ride completely in sunshine and light, I’m still running on behind time. Going to bed late and waking up early, coupled with the fact that I didn’t get my glorious sleep-in when we lost the hour, makes me one tired girl. And yes, I realize that I should go to bed earlier.

On the plus side, I had my work annual review and it went so well. I’m so happy, and excited for the future of my career. Because, yes I am making this my career #1. How exciting is that to acknowledge it!? It makes me feel a little more grown-up, just a little.

So this weekend I think I want to keep on that grown-up vibe, and start to decorate [or at least get the decorating underway] my apartment. And keep it clean. I think a major clean is in the works for this weekend. As well as putting away all my laundry. And cleaning out my car. And getting an essay done and submitted, and working on another along with more group projects. Going to be pretty busy, but I’m going to spend tonight relaxing with yoga, and going out for another round of birthday outings!

Happy Weekend!
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