Life :: How Do I Ever Manage?

Me procrastinating.

I am a terrible procrastinator. And I can’t believe that I completely blanked about my discussion post last night. OOPS. I did post it this morning when I remembered, but it wouldn’t have been good anyways because I was asleep by the time the last guy posted his part. But, besides the point, the prof didn’t even dock me many marks for that but the last guy posted is bitching about it. Whateverrr dude. You need to not post so damn ass late at night.

Anywaysss, regardless of all that, right now I’m feeling the deadline of an essay that I’ve worked on but seem to really struggle with these damn essays. Um why do I want to do more lit classes this summer? At least they’re all online this time. I’ll be able to judge my timing better? Right now, it’s really crunch time for Marketing and Myths. Essay after essay, discussion after discussion, and then exam. Group project, case study, presentation, test. Oy. I really am hoping that my marks are doing alright. Micro isn’t doing so well, mainly because I bombed the last quiz… I have to do really well on the next quiz and exam! Right now I only know my mark from one test in Marketing and I did well there. And I have all the participation marks going for me. I guess I’ll know another mark this week… eek! I can’t wait until August when I get a break from all this schooling crap!!! Can you tell I’m getting a little burnt out? School it’s losing it’s luster for me.

Hopefully the summer semester isn’t going to be hard core, but I’ll be taking Children’s Fantasy, Human Sexuality, Payroll Admin, Marketing on the WWW. Doesn’t sound to hard core does it? But I’m sure that the first two will have essays, and all those courses will be online. Get all the online ones over and done with before I have to be in class for the rest of my year. Although there might be some big things happening, and I’m trying not to get super stressed out about it. Like the fact that I have an essay due at the end of the week, and I’m not super confident about it. And a discussion due Thursday night, and I haven’t even really looked at it, although this one seems easier. It’s got to get done.

Definitely feeling the pressure, and trying to keep it all together is getting tough. I just kinda blow it into nothing when asked about it, but I’m stressing hardcore! Even though I’m loving life, why does it have to be so stressful sometimes?!
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