Life :: Wedding Craze

Well, here we are. A month away from 2 of the upcoming weddings that Andrew and I are attending, and I’m starting to get things ready for them. It’s amazing how much is to be done, and we’re not even in the wedding party!

Things have been pretty good, although I keep forgetting to book a hotel room for us, so *fingers crossed* on that one. I’m kinda leaving that to the last minute. I’ll definitely have to get on that tonight. Along with everything else in my life.

But first, I’m hitting the mall [might be dangerous], but I’m on the hunt for some bridal shower cards, and possibly wedding cards. Sigh.

I’m really excited for the chance to bring up my savings again. I cannot spend so much money! Being a budget star needs to come back into my life. Moving to a cash diet this month! Starting … after this pay day.

Woot for pay day!

One thought on “Life :: Wedding Craze

  1. I am so jealous- I want to go to a wedding! I am on a spending ban at the moment too- buying a car and replacing my smashed phone were EXPENSIVE. It’s not long to payday again now… right?! x

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