Life :: Vacation Dreaming

Can it please be summer now? 
 Maybe I should title this vacation planning, *cough* but with Andrew off working in the East Coast again, it’s got us thinking about our vacation last year, and how much we both loved it.

So now I’m dreaming of days in PEI in the gorgeous weather, on the gorgeous red sand beaches, just strolling. Doing some relaxing suntanning, and maybe even catching the horse races again. This time though, I would definitely take it a bit slower, stay in one place and do day trips out of Summerside. Maybe even spend the night in Charlottetown (since we skipped over it last summer).

Via Google Images
So pretty!

I’m just envisioning relaxing days, relaxing drives, and maybe even a fancy night out (or two). And this time, I’m actually going to eat LOBSTER. Who’s with me on this? 

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