Life :: School Update

I think it’s the way of life that there are some classes that you hate, some you love, and love to hate. This semester is no different for me.

This semester, I did bite the bullet and take 4 courses. I have another general education course, Human Sexuality, and 3 business courses: Payroll Administration, Marketing on the WWW, Accounting Software Systems.

Because I was inspired by Emily @Jammy and Jelly. 

I know that Payroll Admin is going to be my toughie. It wouldn’t be so bad if the teacher was decent but she’s annoying and I barely pay any attention to her. Her methods of teaching don’t work for me (or really anyone else in the class) but she won’t take our suggestions and change. Very, very annoying. I’m already a little behind in the class due to this, so I’m going to have to work just a little harder to get all my practice work done, because trust that I’m going to need it for the test. Thank God I have buddies in that class, otherwise I would be royally screwed. Plus, the “text” is massive. It’s almost ridiculous how big it is, and that for $90, they couldn’t even give us a binder to fit it all into. Just hole-punched pages. So damn cheap of them.

Human Sexuality is a course that I think I’m going to enjoy the most. It’s all individual work, and no discussions to comment on. Journal entries and other postings but as it’s a fairly private postings, it’s pretty easy. And it’s an easy subject for me to talk about so I’m not worried about this class. I actually got my first journal entry back and got perfect on it! Yay, I’m so happy that I’m going to be getting a decent mark in this “fluff” course.

Marketing on the WWW will be time consuming because these discussions require research. Joy. And links to you back up research when you comment on posts. Although, I did do it, and it wasn’t too bad. I just have to keep on top of it. Life is going to be busy staying on top of all 4 classes but I know that I can do it.

Accounting Software Systems… I’m not sure how I feel about this one.. I haven’t done really anything yet, but I’m not super worried about it because I work with the software at work. I just have to follow along with the steps and I should be good. I’ll work on it Thursday night, as I believe that I have something due on Friday. But maybe not… This one’s a little scattered around.

All in all, I think that it will be a good semester, but work intensive. I guess it’s good practice for this fall when I have 3 in-class courses. But, the end of the tunnel is near! But it seems really crappy because I have pretty much no break at all. Boo-hoo. My classes end in the middle of August, so I have 2 weeks until classes start again full-time. Doesn’t seem quite fair, does it? 
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