
Recap :: Weekend No. 23

I think I’m going to change how I do my weekend recap posts… Because most of the stuff I’m going to be putting into future posts [ie. the Toronto section] if I do anything worthwhile, and pretty much my weekends are always the same: Sleep, eat, homework [or the procrastination of..], so if I’m getting bored of writing them, you guys must be bored of reading them? Am I right?

So, I kind of wrote out a list of goals that I wanted to accomplish on Friday, and I think that my recap will include the pictures and accomplishments of those goals. Does that sound like a plan? I think so.

So last week’s goals included:

– Go to the gym Saturday and Sunday!
– Get all my homework done on Sunday, and get ahead! Start on some major projects that are coming up…
– Hang out at Dundas West Fest with Briana
– Seeing the new apartment for the first time!!!!
– Ordering cards and prints

So I must say, that I was actually super productive with these goals. I was up at a decent time both days this weekend (by 9am), yes I needed to encouragement of the alarm, but I was up on the first buzz. No snooze for me! I didn’t make it to the gym on Saturday because of a last minute appointment, but I excitedly made it there on Sunday! And I really enjoyed that class, even though I was running late and it was a busy class!

Sunday, I also managed to get ahead in one class, and since my laptop died, I wasn’t able to get as ahead in the other classes. Although, I think that I’m good and getting ahead for next week already. I’m getting geared up, and I think that tomorrow night I’m going to do some more [instead of paying attention to my annoying Payroll teacher].

On Saturday Briana and I did hang out all day together and it was awesome. More on that later this week.

Sadly I didn’t get around to seeing the new apartment or ordering cards and prints. That will definitely happen tomorrow night as well. Yay exciting stuff! Although, I definitely need to get my budget in order before I do that… Been spending way to much money!

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