Toronto :: National Ballet 2015/16 Release

T’is the time of year to find out what I’m going to see at the National Ballet of Canada!

Photo credit: Dylan Tedaldi in Le Petit Prince. Photo by Dylan Tedaldi and Karolina Kuras

As most of you might have guessed, I am a huge supporter of the arts – Ballet in particular. So when I saw the email that the newest season was announced, I could barely contain my excitement. I immediately tweeted about it, and read the media release about it.


This coming season is full of ballets that I haven’t seen yet, and that are new to the stage (with the exception of Romeo and Juliet – but I haven’t seen this one yet).

The Winter’s Tale November 14 – 22, 2015

Romeo and Juliet  November 25 – December 5, 2015 and March 16 – 20, 2016

The Nutcracker  December 12, 2015 – January 3, 2016

La Sylphide  March 2 – 6, 2016

Cacti & Rubies & The Four Temperaments   March 9 – 13, 2016

La Petit Prince  June 4 – 12, 2016

Giselle  June 15 – 19, 2016

I think I’m most excited for Le Petit Prince. Besides the fact that it’s Guillaume Cote’s first full length ballet, it will also be interesting to see the novella adapted to ballet form!

Although, Giselle and A Winter’s Tale are coming close behind that. I’m actually leaning towards getting a subscription this year.. for all six of them! Individual tickets aren’t on sale yet, but subscriptions are! You can find out about them here. I can’t wait to see them. Is it blasphemy to say I hope that November gets here faster?

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