Recap :: Weekend No. 28

Happy Monday!

Too chipper? Yeah, I’m thinking that too. This morning was a bit rough for getting out of bed. Surprisingly enough, we didn’t really get much sleep this weekend. Of course not, who sleeps in while on vacation? Not us.

Friday was a bit of a hectic, panic-stressed filled day. Nothing was working the way it should. We were expecting to leave around 1.30-2 and we didn’t end up leaving until 7. It was so frustrating that nothing was working out, and that Andrew called and said that he couldn’t go. That was disappointing. So we’re rushing around trying to get everything ready at a decent time, and it’s just all falling apart. No body was in a good mood, haha. Just one of those days. I took a half day from work in order to get it all prepped so that was probably a good thing. Anyways, we finally get on the road and we are now running a little bit behind so we were a little late for check in at the campground. Which also meant that I was setting up the tent-trailer in the dark. So not fun. But we managed and wandered around the area in the dark.

Saturday, Briana and I were up at 7.30 for some morning yoga on the beach. There was barely anyone on it, and it was so peaceful. I love doing yoga with her because we get to do some crazy moves together. So much fun. We headed back, packed up the beast of a trailer and moved it to the new spot for the night. We spent the morning getting ready, and set up for the night [so much easier in the light], and then we headed to the beach. At this point my feet were aching and I had to borrow Briana’s flip flops to get around in because the blisters were getting huge. So not good [I’m still pretty k/o’d from these, the only shoes that don’t hurt a crazy amount are my runners. So that’s what I’m stuck with]. We got lots of sun, had a few drinks, and played around in the water. Go me! It was chilly but bearable? We grilled up some food back at the campsite after trawling the stores along the beach and ate delicious foods. After dinner, we went back to the beach for some evening yoga, and just having a good time down there. Back at the campsite we started up the camp fire, and made really good s’mores. MMhmm. I then headed to bed at 2am because I was done, and the other two followed shortly.

Sunday, another early start, and once we packed up and signed out we headed to the beach. Spending the day on the shore and in the little shops was so much fun, even though I was gimping around like crazy and walked slower than my grandmother. We did leave that day, and said good bye to a beautiful weekend and an even more beautiful day. Such a nice drive back though.

I love these small little getaways on the weekend. Such a break from the normal.
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