Recap :: Weekend No. 41

Happy Tuesday everyone! I realize that this post is a day late, but whatever, I was taking my Thanksgiving day!

This weekend was spent in utter laziness – literally. I finished reading a manga series [InuYasha] and I finally caught up on the Walking Dead. Oh yes, when AMC marathoned the first 3 seasons I watched them every day. I stayed up until 5am Sunday morning to watch the entire 3rd season. Because I’m an idiot.

Andrew wasn’t around all weekend, having a relaxing weekend up in Thunder Bay, so I was able to indulge in my single girl behaviours. Not doing the dishes immediately, lying around the apartment in scruffy pjs, lounging around with Kumo. It was pretty darn amazing. I wasn’t completely comatose for the entire weekend though, I made a pie for Thanksgiving, I made meatballs and chili for dinners this week. I finally organized my bookshelf in the living room and got a teeny bit of scrapbooking done. Only a teeny because Kumo woke up and started licking my photos… they’re like crack to him it’s so weird.

Thanksgiving was spent at my mother’s, surrounded by family. A little sad that Andrew wasn’t around to celebrate with us, but family soon drowned that out. Especially since the food was so good! And my family is loud, so it really doesn’t take much to drown out anything else. It was actually a fairly early night, as my cousin has a little one who has a bedtime, and my Oma isn’t doing so well and gets bored and annoyed because she can’t hear anyone. This means that dinner was done by 9.30 and everyone had left. I stayed for an extra cup of tea, before heading home to Andrew, who had arrived safely from Thunder Bay. Laden with leftovers, I stocked my fridge before diving under the covers! Sometimes, you just have to have a weekend spent in bed.

How was your long weekend spent? 
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