Recap :: Weekend No. 46

Yup… this was Saturday. 

I can’t believe that there is a scant 6 weeks left of this year. Andrew spent this weekend up at the cottage with a couple buddies, and I spent it … shopping. And reading. Lots of reading, actually. Even though they were books I’ve previously read, I finished off a couple books this weekend. I’ve missed it!

Saturday was literally a write-off day for me. I didn’t get out of pjs, I spent it drinking tea, eating brownies and reading books. It wasn’t until I had to head over to my cousin’s house to babysit did I actually get dressed. I won’t lie, I was a little nervous about babysitting. I’m not always the greatest with children, and what if something went wrong?!?

Thankfully nothing did. We watched a movie together [Monster’s University], and I could just let him bounce around. He didn’t really want to sit and watch the movie, but eventually he started getting really blink-y with his eyes, like he was trying to stay awake. He kept moving more after that… But when the movie finished, and I told him it was time to go to bed, he didn’t argue, he didn’t cry. He just went and stayed there! Very impressed. So once he fell asleep, I put on some Breaking Bad and got caught up on my blog reading.

My cousin and her hubby came home around 2.30am and my cousin was a wee bit intoxicated and went straight to the bathroom. I said my goodbyes and headed home straight to my bed.

At least Sunday was a little more productive, up and at em, cleaning, laundry and running errands. Which means more shopping.

How was your weekend? 
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