Life :: Weekend No. 12

Good morning everyone!!

It’s terrible, but he just kept disappearing into the background!

I hope that everyone had either a relaxing weekend, or a productive one. Maybe you even had both? I can happily say that I had both. I spent a lot of time out, I was a bum around the house, and I got a lot done around the house.

Friday was spent going out for dinner and drinks for Ann’s birthday, it ended up being a much later night than any one I think expected, especially since she had to work at 8am the next morning. We ended up at a place that was extremely loud, and since I was still feeling under the weather, it just seemed to drain on me immensely. I also was driving everyone home, so by the time Andrew and I got home it was around 3am. But it was a good time, and it was nice seeing everyone again.

Saturday, I was up around 10. Andrew was heading into the States that day, so I had the day to myself. I ended up cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom. Scrubbed the floors and the walls, did the dishes, swept the entire apartment, then sat down for lunch and got sucked into 3 episodes of Downton Abbey. That killed the rest of my afternoon until I had to get ready for another night out. This time we were just heading out to a club that Alex’s cousin was dj-ing at. We were going to a club underneath Tattoo Rock Parlour. It was kind of a weird night. The place was actually nice, and you could get into Tattoo as well. At first it was just full of guys. If I were on the hunt, I might have been more impressed, but alas I was not. Even going upstairs, it was mainly guys, and the music wasn’t really that great, at one point there was no music due to technical difficulties. Maybe it was amateur night? Either way, it was interesting. I’m still not sure how I feel about it. But, dinner with Alex and his girlfriend Lindsay made up for it. We ate delicious panzos, and just chatted. It was really nice. I’ve never spent much one on one time with either of them.

Now, Sunday, I think I’m going to make this another post, because we decorated the apartment, cleaned it up, and I think that it deserves it’s own tour. Plus, we finally took down the Christmas tree. [I did take off the ornaments like a month ago, don’t worry].

Happy Monday everyone, hope you had a great start to the week! 
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