Life :: Things to Achieve

Day 2 of Things to Achieve. Today, since it’s my Lifestyle post, these will be centered around things in my life that I want to change, start doing, and be better at.


I have such… ideals. They just always seem to fly out the window when I open [or attempt to open] my eyes in the morning. Things like:

Actually doing yoga every day. At any point in the day, but mainly in the morning. 
Eating breakfast every day.
Spending less time on the internet to make room for things like:
– reading
– journal writing
– letter writing
– spending quality time with people
– studying
Bake more again!
Learn new skills
Time manage better – so I can have time to do all of these things
Budget better – so many things to save for!

Sometimes I think that there’s just so much that I want to do, and I just don’t have all the time in the world for it. And then I realize that I’m just 25 and have my whole life ahead of me. I should probably use that quote as a mantra…

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