Life :: Things to Achieve

Ohhh this is such a tough one. I love fashion, although some days you wouldn’t know it by looking at me. These are all so connected with each other, but these are the things that are currently most pressing on my mind in regards to fashion.

Care less about what others think about fashion
Lay out what I’m going to wear to work the night before
Spend less money on crap items
Organize my closet better
Get more wear out of all the clothing that I currently have

I feel the need for a huge spring closet clean-out and organize happening soon. I know that I’ll be attending a clothing swap in the near future, so I need to go through and get some things there. The main thing for me is that mantra, dress for the job you want, not the job you have. I have a really relaxed work dress code. So some days, I don’t always put the effort that I should, and that needs to change.

Sadly, I cannot find the image that I wanted to use. Disappointing. But here’s to starting it all anew. 
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