The Annual Mad Hot Gala 2014 presented by the National Ballet of Canada was another hit. A night of fashion, talented dancers, and delicious food. What more could a girl ask for?
Now that this is my second time attending the Mad Hot Gala (last year’s was Dangerous Love), I had made some goals going into this one.
- I was going to actually get some food.
- I wasn’t going to drink as much.
- I was going to take more pictures.
- I was going to actually get some food.
Starting with some music by the orchestra, Karen Kain (the artistic director) took the stage in a stunning gown and gave her speech. Thanking donors and giving a little background to what we were going to be seeing, then the performances started. This year we saw 6 performances, and three of them being world premières. I can’t really even put into words what I saw, but they were all stunning. A few comical ones, most were more modern dance and contemporary which is always nice to see as well.
After the performances, everyone trickled out to the lobby again and mingled, took photos, ate delicious food and drinks. I ate a jelly donut, which was delicious, had one drink that was a little bit sour for me (which is saying something, since I drink Amaretto Sours). It would be lovely to get a bigger group together one day, for the mingling.