Tag: movies


Movie :: One Day

Movie :: One Day

Courtesy of Google Images I had read another tweet about this movie, and it reminded me that I needed to watch this one. Yes, I do agree that Anne Hathaway has a terrible time keeping the accent, and it does…


Movie :: Think Like A Man Review

Movie :: Think Like A Man Review

Courtesy of Google Images/IMDB.com This movie I really enjoyed. It’s your typical rom-com, and it’s pretty much the black version of He’s Just Not That Into You [not being racist, that’s how I see it]. It’s funny to watch how…


Movie Review: Snow White and the Huntsman

Movie Review: Snow White and the Huntsman

Photo Credit: Manko Bros. I was super pumped for this movie. It looked epic, had Chris Hemsworth in it, and even Kristin Stewart didn’t look like she would be a complete idiot in this movie. Even the fairy tale, Snow…


Upcoming Movies 2012

Upcoming Movies 2012

I’m actually really excited about some of the movies that are set to release in the coming year. I’m not usually one for going to the movie theatre, but I might make an exception for a few of these. Others,…

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