Tarot. Superstition or something else? It took me a bunch of years, but I did eventually buy myself a tarot deck. I had hoped to inherit my grandmother’s but that didn’t happen. I’m terribly inconsistent with my spiritual practice. I…
Tag: blogpost
Seize the Day. Carpe Diem. Looking for a box of goodies to come to your door? It’s been awhile since I’ve done a subscription box, but I decided to take the plunge and do a 3 month run of the…
Another post about goals, Jasmine? Yes but this is goals with a twist. I bought the Desire Map back in April of 2017 and I’m just finally getting around to reading it now. The book itself is a half book-half…
Oh, 2017. What a year! For me, it was mostly amazing. I can’t complain about the year I had, and I can only hope that 2018 keeps on rolling that way for me. Some of the major stand-out highlights though:…
Goal planning. Do you set any resolutions? While I’m definitely of the mind that goal planning and resolutions are a flexible thing, I am always on the bandwagon of setting and re-evaluating goals at the beginning of the new year….