Online Shopping Part Deux

Man, I’m totally feeling the urge to do some shopping. I still love shopping online for jewelry, and I’ve been on a lot of clothing sites, but I’m like.. ughh for them all being abroad!! My travelling will totally revolve around shopping.


Forever New  is so cute. I’m in love with their stuff. They sadly do not have an online store *that I can find* I’ve been reading online people asking for them to open one. I found them out through Wanderlust & Co. The skirt that the model is wearing on the site is from them. It’s sooo pretty. I can’t find their stuff anywhere online… Totally sucks. Gonna have to get my ass to Australia to see these two stores.


Besides the obvious Harrods, and markets, there’s one store that I would LOVE to go see. Joules is my ideal. Because I am a horse back rider, and I ride English now, it seems to be right up my alley. I lovvvve love love their vests (Gillets) and I always have my eye on one here.

I’ve also been totally creeping around ASOS. I love all their dresses and there are a couple that I would looove to have. I have my eye on one in particular… and depending on feed back I might just have to buy it. I’m having no luck finding anything in stores that I want (or meets the ideal of what I want). I’m totally digging lace right now (which I used to hate) and now, can’t get enough of it! Not that I own anything lacey… yet…


Sephora. What’s not to love?! I just placed an order for some body scrub, and I can’t wait until it arrives!! I’m being a total shopaholic online. I have another huge order to place at Victoria’s Secret. Who doesn’t love lingerie?? I would be perfectly content just buying shoes and underwear for the rest of my life.

I can’t wait because at the end of the month I’m headed to NYC!!! So excited. Definitely going to shop until I drop, and party like a rockstar. WOOT! Definitely going to hit up Christian Louboutin, Forever 21, Magnolia Bakery, everything on Fifth Ave. *happy shopping dance*

Shopping makes me so happy.
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