Switzerland. Yodelayhehooooo! Need I say more?
Let me fix that by saying, the after thought turned into one of the favourites on the trip for sure. It does just go to show you that sometimes going into something with no expectations doesn’t allow you to be disappointed!
After crossing the border, and most definitely getting ripped off… Damn Euro to Swiss Francs!, we toodled along towards the campsite. Arriving around dinner time, it was perfect. We set up, had some dinner, and then decided to spend the next day in the city.
Zurich. It’s so clean! It’s quite bizarre when you think about it, there was no garbage any where, it was busy but not annoyingly busy, which is always a plus. As I get older, I’m noticing more and more how much I dislike crowds of people. I deal with it, but I don’t like to go out of my way and place myself amongst a crowd. #OldPeopleProblems, much?
There must have been some kind of football (soccer) game on, as suddenly the streets were filled with people drinking and having a great time. Loud singing and cheering, and everyone was wearing green and white jerseys.