Life :: Resolutions 2014

Interestingly enough, this is the first time that I’ve posted actual resolutions to this little space of mine. I was looking back over past entries over the years, and while I’ve posted about random things and parties that I went to, I never actually listed any concrete goals.

I have so many things that I want to change and update about my life, and I am determined that 2014 will be the year!

+ Wear make up to work every day
+ Be more diligent with taking care of my skin
+ Exfoliate
+ Grow out my hair

+ Eat more vegetables!
+ Create a meal plan every week
+ Don’t eat out as much
+ Drink more water
+ Get back into yoga
+ Start swimming – tone up my body!

Yoga Goals:
+ Do a couple flows every day
+ Do more inversions – Hold “crow” for 2 minutes
+ Work on my core
+ Save money and don’t spend like crazy – Resist IMPULSE BUYING
+ Keep on top of cleaning the apartment, and keeping it clean! – Don’t let dishes pile up…
+ Graduate my diploma!
+ Go on a few vacations
+ Keep on top of my posting
+ Edit all my pictures before they get posted
+ Take more photos!
+ Use my SLR camera more
+ Attend a blogger meetup/conference

I hope that I can keep on top of this and not forget in the next couple weeks! 
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