Hostess Without the Mostest

Hmm.. So I guess I should actually update about my girls’ night that happened last week. I keep forgetting about it. It was fairly uneventful, I guess. One girl didn’t show up (but she lived further out) and had been packing all day, but everyone else showed up.

It was really rather rushed for me, because it was raining and the baseball diamond was SO GROSS. We were batting in a 3 inch deep puddle. So my feet were soaked, and I rush home to clean up and change, and then start getting food ready for them to come over. I’m excited and nervous, I’m a terrible hostess. So awkward. Especially with these girls. They all came together, and it was intimidating. I mean, these girls aren’t exactly the closest with me since the whole make out debacle. I think they had a good time though. We ate chips, and watched Jurassic Park and laughed and talked. It wasn’t like it got into super good gossip or anything, and no bitch fight happened, but it was just chill. I was texting the cute boy and he actually came up in conversation, which I thought was probably a good thing. Let’s those girls know that NOTHING IS HAPPENING. Grah. And that I’m over it.

It was interesting because they actually stayed out quite late, they didn’t leave until 2. I was so tired. Baseball and many late nights. Cute boy was out partying so I talked with him for a bit and then passed right out. I need to party with this boy soon times. He seems like a LOT of fun to go out with.

Gotta love how everything seems to come back to him…
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