Thick As Thieves can mean so many things as a theme.
Best friends. Romantic relationships. Literal thieves. So are we surprised that Fairyloot manages to find something that encompasses everything that ‘Thick As Thieves’ conjures up in someone’s mind?
Not at all.
Taking inspiration from series like The Raven Cycle and Six of Crows, this box is full of great art.

Honestly, when we first got the keepsake book boxes I wasn’t a huge fan. But now? Love them. Kind of sad that I don’t have the first one to make the whole set complete. I use them for the monthly tarot cards and the bookmarks that come with the books so I don’t lose them. Not sure what I’m going to use this one for yet though!
The calendar is a great size and the art is perfection. This one has art from Percy Jackson and the Throne of Glass series.
I love a great art print, even though the series isn’t really my thing (The Raven Cycle) but they definitely captured the gang completely.

In the winter, who doesn’t love a good hat? My book hats are some of my favourites and I love a good pompom. Surprisingly, clothing has turned out to be a real favourite in a box.
I’m never going to say no to more notepads, and this one is the perfect size to jot down quick notes and ideas. And the sword letter opener? STUNNING. It’s pretty detailed and a good weight so it’s nice and easy to use.

The December ‘Thick as Thieves’ themed book was Master of One by Jaida Jones and Danielle Bennett.
Rags is a thief—an excellent one. He’s stolen into noble’s coffers, picked soldier’s pockets, and even liberated a ring or two off the fingers of passersby. Until he’s caught by the Queensguard and forced to find an ancient fae relic for a sadistic royal sorcerer.
But Rags could never have guessed this “relic” would actually be a fae himself—a distractingly handsome, annoyingly perfect, ancient fae prince called Shining Talon. Good thing Rags can think on his toes, because things just get stranger from there…
Via Goodreads
Another one that I technically haven’t read yet, but I’m excited to get into it! I just haven’t prioritized reading actual books lately. Which you can tell because my bedside table is started to pile up with books to be read again. I absolutely love the idea of this theme, as well as the fact that it’s LGBT/Queer as well. I rarely read any and I don’t know if I’ve gotten any previously through Fairyloot? If I’m remembering correctly… I believe that Girl Serpent Thorn had LGBT undertones to it. The dust cover art makes me definitely want to read the book; it definitely sounds fascinating! Plus aren’t thieves turned heroes always such good reads?
What’s your favourite thing about this box? Have you read Master of One?
J x