
This is interesting. I’m very on the fence. I’m at a crossroads at my life. One that I’ve always thought about but never really considered an option. For certain reasons. I’ve always joked about playing for the other team as it were, but always as a joke. Deep down I’ve analyzed it and knew that I probably wasn’t. Possibly bi? Who knows. I’m attracted to women, but I don’t know if I’d be able to date one.

I’ve always been fairly blase about sex and men and women. HeteroFlexible. I googled it. And it fits me.

A person who identifies as a heterosexual, but is not afraid to explore curiosity towards the same sex.

I was talking with a friend, and we were talking about boys, and that I wanted to message a specific one, but was really trying not to. It turned into a huge discussion about us and how Charlotte from Sex and the City had it right: “Don’t laugh at me, but maybe we can be each other’s soul-mates? And then, we could let men be just these great, nice guys to have fun with.” Which then turned into a conversation about being bi-sexual and that I wished we lived closer to each other. Cuz I would with her. An open bi-relationship.

I’m super frustrated with boys. And I don’t think that switching to girls will make me less frustrated. Probably more frustrated in a different way.  Just switching between the sex isn’t going to make it better. I need to take this year and make it the year of Jasmine.

A year of deep inner reflection and what I want. Getting MY goals done. Checking things off the bucket list. Having some great sex on the side with no strings wouldn’t hurt either, but I’m not going to look for it.

Just be myself.

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