The last stop in our three week journey was London.
Sadly, we weren’t able to get out of the core and see a little more of England, but there’s plenty enough time for that in other trips. And yes, that does mean that I’m planning more trips even as I type this.
I liked London. But I do think that this trip has made me realize that I’m never going to be living in Central London. Firstly, in typical London fashion it rained the entire time we were there. And if it wasn’t quite raining, it was threatening to rain. Or mist. Whatever you Londonites call the weather there. The weather definitely made it a little harder to take good pictures.
Andrew and I walked evey where, or took the tube. The tube definitely overwhelmed me. I didn’t realize that I’d get so claustrophobic down there, but it was pretty terrible. Plus, you are deep in the ground. Just a slightly terrifying thought…
We didn’t rely on a bus tour this time, and so we just meandered around the city. We walked to Buckingham Palace, meandered through the park there, made friends with the squirrels. Something was going down at the Palace, big crowds and random, well dressed people were walking out of there. Didn’t glimpse anyone that I knew 😉
We were being extremely cheap as well. Everything is so much more expensive in London, due to the exchange rate on our dollar. Everything is double for us! So I was much pickier, only picking up brands that I knew we didn’t have here in Canada. We didn’t go onto the Eye, we didn’t go up the Shard, we didn’t go into any museum or attraction. I wouldn’t have minded doing the Tower of London, but I just went into the gift shop instead.