Life :: According to Plan

Here it is, April. I’m not 100% sure why but March is always my most productive writing month. And then I drop down dramatically into April and following months. Bizarre. But regardless, I’m still plugging away at the computer, updating about life.

Last night, I had an appointment with a financial advisor. I was so excited! He’s such a nice guy. My mom and brother joined in and we had a cool discussion. I’m going to open an RRSP with him and get that growing towards my retirement. It’s never too young to start thinking about it! I want to be set when I’m older. I haven’t redone my budget since I got my raise and new job position, but I should get on that. I need to make a new budget, and change some things about my banking accounts. Woot Woot. I love the feeling that I get when I’m doing something for my future. Euphoric, almost? I’m finally going to get my RRSP in order. One more thing to check off my list of to-do.

On a completely different note, there is something exciting brewing in this spring air! I’m not willing to count my eggs yet, but it’s definitely exciting. I’ve been reconnecting with old friends, and people are popping out of the woodwork and starting to talk to me again. I’ve definitely taken to heart my goal of becoming more accessible to people. Reaching out to them first, instead of waiting. I can’t spend my whole life waiting for someone to talk to me first. I touched base with one of my good friends from college, and it was so good to talk to him again! I forgot how much I’ve missed him. This past week has been a flurry of me reconnecting. Having coffee with friends and catching up.

Life is good.

Just some girl empowerment for this fine Wednesday morning.
Saving Jane – One Girl Revolution
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