I had my very first psychic/tarot reading done last weekend!
I went in with no expectations, mainly because I had no idea what to expect. I just knew that I was interested, curious, and extremely excited for it.
And it didn’t disappoint! She was good. And knew things about myself and Andrew that she obviously couldn’t know about just from looking at me. It was really cool. I didn’t go into it with any specific question in mind, and just let it go whatever direction it went.
She talked about all aspects of my life, and while some things were not shocking, there were a couple things that she mentioned that really got me thinking. And it really just confirmed some of the major thoughts that have been swimming around in my head for awhile.
Interesting things of note:
- She mentioned that I’d have 2 kids, a boy and a girl by the age of 31.
- Andrew is the one, or at least definitely a long one. She didn’t see any change in relationship status for a long time.
- All good things on the family front
- I’ll eventually be working with animals again (which is exciting to hear) and that’s where my passion lies
I’d definitely go to another reading, and go more often. It’s definitely fascinating, and it was nice to get some confirmation on things that I’ve had swirling around my head for the past couple months in terms of goals. Should be an interesting next couple of years for sure!
Would you ever, or have you ever gone for a reading? What are your thoughts on all this?