Life :: Apartment De-Clutter

I’m still on my major minimal binge right now for cleaning up in my apartment, and slowly paring down on how much clutter I’ve accumulated.

clutter, life, apartment

It’s actually rather amazing. It’s been 2 years since Andrew and I moved into this apartment, and we have so much stuff. Considering I cut out a lot when I packed up the first time for the move. But paper, purchases, and impulse buys start to clutter up the shelves over the years.

I wrote about how I reorganized the office about a month ago, which it literally took 5 minutes to be destroyed again. I actually think it’s in worse shape now. Oops. I wrote about how I’m trying the capsule wardrobe 2 months ago, which is actually going quite well. My closet is the only place that doesn’t have any clutter at the moment.

I recently got introduced to Aileen Xu, and watched her videos on her closet purging and the KonMari method. It was so inspiring I washed and folded all my laundry. And then reorganizing my dresser to be extremely neat. I think that it works really well for Andrew, who can never close his dresser drawers. It’s so relaxing opening my drawers right now. I also decided that I need more graphic tees.

I’ve updated the kitchen as well, spent a good day organizing and re-sorting where things go to make it neater as well as a better flow. I still need to clean up where the tupperware goes, but really, isn’t tupperware just the WORST. It is the hardest to keep neat.

I think that the next thing that needs to be overhauled are the drawers underneath my bed… and then the bathroom. I’m so bad with throwing beauty items out! I barely use some of them because they didn’t work for me, so I usually give them to my mom. She’s a hair dresser so she is usually able to use them up.

Question: What do you do with textbooks?? I have so many, but I don’t need to keep all of them. They’re almost my biggest offenders in the clutter department. And they take up so much space! But they cost so much money that I don’t want to get rid of them.

But the big one is coming. I’m reading Marie Kondo’s book about tidying up and will be implementing it soon. This will come in handy since I’m starting to think about moving soon. Best prepared!


As a side note: I’m sitting on some pretty big news, but I don’t want to jinx it! Stay tuned!

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